Posts tagged ‘lunch’

May 9, 2013

how to treat yo’ mama (and in turn, yo’self) this mother’s day


Well, I think the answer as to how to accomplish this task is pretty obvious: with food. More specifically, with food that you, yes, YOU!, have prepared with those very hands of yours.

Food aside for a minute, a card is also a lovely gesture – especially if you’re not spending the day together. (This is my way of sneaking in an anecdote of my occasionally ridiculous life… Annnnnnd go!)

On Wednesday after work, I rushed to the post office to drop off my cards. I was so determined to beat the last collection of the day that I somehow didn’t see the mailbox “door” (which has a handle, mind you), and instead only saw the open slot above it. After staring at the contraption for a good two minutes, I finally dropped the cards in the slot… only to see the handle literally a second later. I immediately panicked and thought my cards were lost in the Boston Post Office Black Hole, so I hopped on line to alert one of the employees to my misplaced cards.

Turns out the slot is an acceptable place for your mail too… Who knew?

Also, did I mention that my cards were mailed with THE UGLIEST stamps? Yep, those were the result of my post office adventure the day before. Manly muscle car stamps on feminine Mother’s Day cards. Wonderful. (Surprise, Mom!)

Now, back to food! And where better to start than breakfast (/brunch)?!


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September 10, 2012

green goddess salad


Y’all, I’m still recovering from the sugar coma that this amazing four-layer chocolate cake put me in. (Sidenote: Sometimes I like to say y’all… I’ve been watching too much Paula Deen lately.)  In the event that you decided to bake an elaborate cake on any old random Wednesday (or for a birthday/ BBQ/ whatever else one might bake a cake for), here’s a salad to help reverse said sugar-induced coma.


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August 4, 2012

whole wheat eggplant rolls


25 Things About This Summer:

1. I made these guys.  Then I ate them, and life was good.  We’ll get back to them in a little bit.

2. I am almost finished catching up on all seven seasons of Grey’s Anatomy. In other words, I watch too much TV.

3. I wore a tux to work.  I felt like a penguin.

4. Gingie was spotted hiding on top of boxes of stock during a thunderstorm.  I ran to take a picture before consoling her.  Priorities.


5. I wake up at 4:50 in the morning for work. Yikes.

6. On my days off, I wake up at 6 am… without an alarm. Double yikes.

7. I can’t even tell you how many pots of coffee I’ve brewed this summer.

8. I’m 95% sure the coffee maker at work has a vendetta against me.  I’ve cleaned up overflowing coffee way too many times for there to be any other explanation (and yes, I do know how to brew a good pot of coffee).

9. Speaking of work, I spotted this gem in the parking lot.


10. I went to Michigan and ate at Zingerman’s Deli.  It was glorious.

11. My flight home from Michigan got cancelled. Typical.

12. I discovered this blog.  Genius.

13. Foodgawker overload.

14. I fell asleep on a pool float and didn’t get burned. Hallelujah!

15. Awkward flip-flop tan lines.

16. Cheese-balling it up at Niagara Falls!

Maid of Mist

17. I whipped up some Almond Butter Froyo with Amaretto Caramel Sauce.  Noms.

18. I made 3674569845769872305 supermarket trips… and I don’t particularly like going grocery shopping (weird, I know).

19. I exaggerated.

20. Olympic opening ceremony face dresses, say whaaaaaaaaaaaat?

21. Why were the Spice Girls not at the opening ceremonies?! #90skidprobs

22. I walked across the Brooklyn Bridge!


23. And once in Brooklyn, I ate at Bubby’s. Yay comfort food!

24. Every time TLC airs the previews for this show I cringe.

25. Air conditioning, I love you.

End random ramblings. Back to the eggplant rolls!


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April 3, 2012

sandwiches galore!


I have news!  And sandwiches!

I recently joined the crew over at The Next Great Generation as a food writer!  I’m just getting started, but so far it’s given me the chance to explore the Boston food scene which is definitely exciting.

For my first post on the site, I decided to make three really simple but really delicious panini using five or less ingredients (salt, pepper, and butter or oil excluded).  Incidentally, I think these may very well be the first savory recipes I’m sharing.  Groundbreaking!

Check out these beauties:




Breakfast. Lunch. Dinner. Dessert. Snack.  These cover all the bases.  You can find the simple but super satisfying recipes right here!

Happy panini making!
